· By Burrito Baby
Meet Alice and Evie
We asked Alice a few questions about herself and little gorgeous Evie.
About Alice
Number of children and ages?1 - Just over 4mnths
We found out I was expecting when I was around 6 weeks pregnant. My partner (Tim) and I were over the moon, we had been trying naturally for a little while. The night we found out we drove straight over to my parents house and broke the news. We all cried with joy and danced around!
After a difficult pregnancy and emergency c-section at 39 weeks it was all worth it after little Evie arrived! Evie was underweight when she was born (at her lowest 2.2Kg) and also jaundice so the first week in hospital was a bit overwhelming. It can also take a few days to overcome that your 'birth plan' was completely different to what you expected but you just have to do what is best for your baby at the time.
Everyday! I cant pin point one moment.
Getting through the first week home after being in hospital for the first week. I would also say getting the hang of breastfeeding! Evie didn't latch properly until about 2-3 weeks old.
Join a mothers group as soon as you can! It is an amazing feeling when you know your not struggling alone!
How hard breastfeeding would be and STOP buying so many clothes! They grow out of them too quickly.
A bassinet. The first 10 weeks she slept in bed with me in a safe co sleeper pillow. By the time she moved to the bassinet she was only in there for 2 weeks before she was to big for it.
About Evie
Both mum and dad agreed on the name!
Rolling from my tummy to my back.
Go for walks to the beach and dancing with my dad!
What ONE word do you think best describes me?